Graphic Design, Video Editing, and more for online wig retailer.

Best Wig Outlet is a beauty retailer that I have been lucky to create a lot of content for. In addition to editing and conceptualizing video advertisements, I was also responsible for brainstorming and creating new video content for their YouTube channel to encourage growth.

Promotional Video: Editing and Graphic Design

This video advertisement was created with pre-existing footage of wig models that are featured on Best Wig Outlet’s retail site. It is still one of their best performing ads to date. In addition to editing the video, I also scripted and recorded the voiceover with outside talent.

Tutorials: Videography & Editing

I had the pleasure of writing, shooting, and editing these videos for Best Wig Outlet. Our objective was to create videos that would educate as well as draw new audience members to their social media channels.


Malibu Gift


Solo Disco